The Gaston Day School blog will keep you up to date with all of the news, pictures, information and fun that goes on within the life of Gaston Day School!

Monday, March 15, 2010

GDS students honored!

Gaston Day is proud to announce that Natalia Sanchez and Taylor Hampton were selected to perform with the NC All-State honors bands! Natalia (pictured right) is a 10th grade clarinetist and has made the all-state band three times; Taylor (pictured left) is an 8th grade percussionist (she also plays flute and piano) and made it for the first time. They will participate in the all-state band clinic and concert held at UNC Chapel Hill.

This a very big honor and to put it in perspective: there are over 300 schools in Gaston day's district and six districts in the state. Thousands of students who are the best musicians in their schools participate in the audition process state-wide and GDS had two selected!!.

Gaston Day is very proud of Natalia and Taylor. When asked about this achievement, Mr. Fischer said that these two girls are "stars!"