The Gaston Day School blog will keep you up to date with all of the news, pictures, information and fun that goes on within the life of Gaston Day School!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wax museum is a hit!

On Wednesday March 24th, 5th grade Spanish and French students put on their annual wax museum exhibit. The students had to pick someone famous depending on which class they were in. Mrs. Kane and Madame Brown did a wonderful job putting this together and it was well received by many parents, students and teachers!

Can you guess who these famous people are?
Morgan Ginther is Penelope Cruz, Ryan Hussain is Napolean Bonaparte, Caroline Ilse is Marie Antionette and James Anthony is Jacques Cartier.

GDS students go green for St. Patrick's Day!

Gaston Day students got into the spirit as many dressed in green for St. Patrick's Day. They were all in competition for a special prize that will be awarded to the student who wore the most green. The winner will be announced at the next spirit
assembly in April!

Monday, March 15, 2010

GDS students honored!

Gaston Day is proud to announce that Natalia Sanchez and Taylor Hampton were selected to perform with the NC All-State honors bands! Natalia (pictured right) is a 10th grade clarinetist and has made the all-state band three times; Taylor (pictured left) is an 8th grade percussionist (she also plays flute and piano) and made it for the first time. They will participate in the all-state band clinic and concert held at UNC Chapel Hill.

This a very big honor and to put it in perspective: there are over 300 schools in Gaston day's district and six districts in the state. Thousands of students who are the best musicians in their schools participate in the audition process state-wide and GDS had two selected!!.

Gaston Day is very proud of Natalia and Taylor. When asked about this achievement, Mr. Fischer said that these two girls are "stars!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Getting to know...Mrs. Allen

I teach: Middle School Learning Academy

Favorite Food: Authentic Mexican food

Hobby/Leisure time: I enjoy playing with my children and going to the gym

Favorite TV show: My favorite current TV show is 24 and my all-time favorite TV show is Friends

Dream place to live/vacation: I would love to go on an African Safari!

Getting to know...Coach Field

I teach: 7th Grade US History and 8th Grade World History

Favorite Food: Pizza

Hobby/Leisure time: Walking my dog Keller

I coach: Varsity Boys Basketball

Favorite TV Show:
Favorite current TV show is The Office and my favorite TV show of all-time is Seinfeld

Dream place to live/vacation: Dream place to live is French Polynesia

What I like most about GDS:
I attended an independent school and really enjoy the student/teacher interaction.

PE News!

On Monday March 1st, Mrs. Gilreath and Coach Lutkus attended a PE professional development demo at Charlotte Country Day. It was a great opportunity to get together with other PE teachers and to see how other schools run their PE program. The day consisted of two sessions: a morning session and an afternoon session. The morning session was dedicated to lower school PE and the afternoon session was dedicated to middle school PE.

This served as a great learning experience for Mrs. Gilreath and Coach Lutkus and they look forward to attending other professional days in the future. Coach Lutkus commented, "It was a blast to see how Charlotte Country Day ran their PE program. I was able to come away with some new ideas which I hope to incorporate soon!"